Monday, August 19, 2013


Sorry, it's not a very good picture as I took it as I was rushing out the door on the way to work. But Julissa is finally finished. Plucky Primo Worsted is a dream! Especially once blocked. So soft and squishy.

I got 2 comments from my work colleagues. Both were men! Gotta love making an impact with your handknits :)

In the making of this, I realised about 3/4 of the way through the body that there was an error in the lace at the bust. So I ripped it all out to the error and knitted again. I almost got to the same spot when I realised I hadn't ripped back far enough so the error was still there. Riiip again and it's now perfect. I have tamed the lace demon. We have been long standing enemies for some time. I'm so glad I decided to fix it!

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