Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My design

My design, originally uploaded by stitch-by-stitch.

I have a couple of ladies in my life that are pregnant at the moment. So I designed these in different colours. The lovely Yasmin from ScissorsPaperMouse whipped them up for me. I love how they turned out. This one will live at our house for Ryder.


  1. they are great! are you selling any???????please??????

  2. I have 4 others. They were about $15 each if you wanted one. The frame I got from Target for about $8 I think. Or else, just order direct from ScissorsPaperMouse :) I can give her permission to sell this design to you.

  3. I've messaged Yasmin from ScissorsPaperMouse and told her that a friend might be in contact about a copy of the print. You can choose whatever colour background you like. I hope you like it!
