Ahh, the addiction of lovely yarn. You may (or may not) have heard about Wollmeise. It is a German handpainted yarn that is near impossible to get your hands on. Well, I was successful at the last update and got my hands on 4 skeins, 3 of which were on my wish list. I had to checkout 3 times (3 x postage), but it was still cheaper than trading in Australia. Not only that, but I woke up to an email from them saying they had combined all my shipping and refunded me AU$15! Not bad for my first shot. Well the update was 26 March 2010 and I received it today:
Kuken, Frosch, Fruhling and Hollerstaud'n.
Here is a pic of all my WM stash that I've bought and traded:
Naturx2, Limone, Kuken, Fruhling, Frosch, WD Mistelzweig, WD Spice Market, WD Gazpacho, WD Herzblutx2, WD Dornroschen, WD Fuscia, WD Tutu, Hollerstaud’n, WD Am Kalten Polar, WD Taube, WD Aquarius, WD Stella Polaris and Schwarz